
26 esters from renewable sources included in the EU Ecolabel LuSC-list;
process initiated for the inclusion of a further 18 esters by February 2025

Comunicato stampa

Cremona, 3 February  2025


GREEN OLEO (GRN:IM), benefit company listed on Euronext Growth Milan among the leading European producers of fine oleochemicals from renewable and biodegradable sources, consistent with the growth strategy for the three-year period 2024-2026 declared to the market (see the press release of April 11, 2024), announces the inclusion of 26 esters from renewable sources in the Lubricant Substance Classification List (LuSC-list) of the EU Ecolabel and that it has initiated the process for the inclusion of a further 18 esters, the formalization of which is expected by February 2025, for a total of 44 base oils.

Beatrice Buzzella, President and CEO: “We are pleased to announce the achievement of an important milestone, the result of our intense and continuous R&D activity, in our strategic path of esters development in the biolubricants market. The inclusion in the LuSC-list of our 44 base oils will guarantee GREEN OLEO customers the possibility of formulating biolubricants with the EU Ecolabel: this label will certify, also to the end user, that the biolubricant has a reduced environmental impact throughout its entire life cycle while maintaining high performance standards. The significant growth in the range of base oils included in the LuSC-list perfectly integrates with the GREEN OLEO philosophy of offering products from renewable sources with a low environmental impact without compromising performance, even in demanding industrial applications”.

The EU Ecolabel is the European Union’s ecological quality mark that distinguishes products and services that, while guaranteeing high performance standards, are characterized by a reduced environmental impact throughout their entire life cycle. It was established in 1992 by Regulation No. 880/92 and is now governed by Regulation (EC) No. 66/2010 in force in 28 countries of the European Union and the countries belonging to the European Economic Area – EEA (Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein)

The LuSClist contains a list of substances and brands evaluated by a competent body based on characteristics such as biodegradation/bioaccumulation and aquatic toxicity.

Among the 44 lubricant base oils  offered by GREEN OLEO in the LuSC list, there are bases for standard bio-lubricants as well as complex esters with a high percentage from renewable sources such as the GreenFad® RG and GreenFad® GS series:

  • the esters of the RG series are multi-purpose bases highly appreciated as viscosity and lubricity modifiers in lubricant formulations that combine excellent performance and a renewable content of over 80%. They are therefore an essential tool for the new formulations of high-performance biolubricants combined with low environmental impact.
  • the esters of the GS series are characterized by high performance in food applications such as, for example, release agents for aluminum food containers. They, therefore, cover a niche in the highly specialized lubricant market.


Comunicato disponibile su www.greenoleo.com e www.1info.it


GREEN OLEO (GRN:IM – ISIN IT0005549768) è uno dei principali produttori europei di oleochimica fine da fonti rinnovabili e biodegradabili, con sede a Cremona, costituita nel 2012 nel contesto dell’acquisto da parte della Famiglia Buzzella dell’intero capitale della Società, mediante conferimento di un ramo di azienda, storicamente attivo sin dal 1925 nella produzione oleochimica e precedentemente di proprietà di Croda Cremona S.r.l.. La Società utilizza materie prime del territorio, quali i by products delle lavorazioni dell’industria alimentare (olii acidi prevalentemente da ulivo e grasso animale), che vengono sottoposte a processi chimici interni quali a titolo esemplificativo la scissione, distillazione, separazione, il frazionamento e l’idrogenazione, per ottenere molteplici prodotti oleochimici quali acidi grassi distillati a diverse matrici in funzione del grasso di partenza, acidi stearici (stearine), acido oleico, glicerine, derivati degli acidi grassi (saponi), esteri. La Società opera nello Stabilimento di Cremona, in una superficie di 64.000 mq (di cui circa 20.000 mq coperti) dove sono impiegate 75 risorse, con una capacità produttiva annua di 65.000 tonnellate di cui 50.000 di acidi grassi e glicerine e 15.000 di esteri. I clienti della Società sono realtà industriali operanti in molteplici settori quali detergenza, elastomeri, candele, vernici, gomma e pneumatici, personal care e cosmesi, che attraverso ulteriori lavorazioni specifiche per il settore di destinazione realizzano i prodotti finali destinati al consumatore.



GREEN OLEO | Raffaella Bianchessi | investor.relations@greenoleo.com | T +39 0372 487256
IRTOP Consulting | Maria Antonietta Pireddu | m.pireddu@irtop.com | T +39 02 45473884