Green Oleo invests in young people:
Scholarships, training courses and internships to develop future talent
Comunicato stampa
Cremona, 18 December 2024,
GREEN OLEO (GRN:IM), a benefit company listed on Euronext Growth Milan among the leading European producers of fine oleochemicals from renewable and biodegradable sources, continues to invest in the new generations, demonstrating a concrete commitment to enhance the talents of the school and university world.
Since 2023, GREEN OLEO has decided to provide scholarships for the children of its employees and, in particular, has introduced two types of awards, designed to recognize merit and promote inclusion:
- School Merit Scholarships, awarded to talented young people who have obtained a five-year diploma with excellent grades.
- STEM Scholarships for girls, aimed at high school and university students attending courses in the disciplines Science Technology Engineering Mathematics. This initiative aims to encourage more women in science faculties, where female enrolment is still too low.
In addition to these, there are scholarships awarded in collaboration with the Industrial Association of the Province of Cremona: prizes that celebrate the merit of students from local secondary and university institutes.
Always close to the world of school and education, GREEN OLEO is not just about rewarding merit but is committed to creating concrete opportunities for the future, offering new generations the chance to test themselves in an innovative business environment. Through school-to-work alternation courses, curricular internships for university and ITS students and extra-curricular internships for recent graduates, the company stands out for its ability to attract young people, who are increasingly interested in green chemistry and the circular economy.
In a world that increasingly looks to sustainability, GREEN OLEO confirms itself as a reference point for those who dream of making a difference. Promoting, attracting, training and retaining talent is an essential prerogative for companies that are in transition towards sustainable economic models of which the new generations are the main supporters.
Beatrice Buzzella, President and CEO di GREEN OLEO: “We believe that investing in training is an act of responsibility and a fundamental step towards building a better future. Supporting young people means investing in the beating heart of our society: they are the engine of our future and a source of inspiration for the work we do. With these initiatives we want to give value back to the community by offering young people the opportunity to develop their skills and realize their dreams.”
Comunicato disponibile su www.greenoleo.com e www.1info.it
GREEN OLEO (GRN:IM – ISIN IT0005549768) è uno dei principali produttori europei di oleochimica fine da fonti rinnovabili e biodegradabili, con sede a Cremona, costituita nel 2012 nel contesto dell’acquisto da parte della Famiglia Buzzella dell’intero capitale della Società, mediante conferimento di un ramo di azienda, storicamente attivo sin dal 1925 nella produzione oleochimica e precedentemente di proprietà di Croda Cremona S.r.l.. La Società utilizza materie prime del territorio, quali i by products delle lavorazioni dell’industria alimentare (olii acidi prevalentemente da ulivo e grasso animale), che vengono sottoposte a processi chimici interni quali a titolo esemplificativo la scissione, distillazione, separazione, il frazionamento e l’idrogenazione, per ottenere molteplici prodotti oleochimici quali acidi grassi distillati a diverse matrici in funzione del grasso di partenza, acidi stearici (stearine), acido oleico, glicerine, derivati degli acidi grassi (saponi), esteri. La Società opera nello Stabilimento di Cremona, in una superficie di 64.000 mq (di cui circa 20.000 mq coperti) dove sono impiegate 75 risorse, con una capacità produttiva annua di 65.000 tonnellate di cui 50.000 di acidi grassi e glicerine e 15.000 di esteri. I clienti della Società sono realtà industriali operanti in molteplici settori quali detergenza, elastomeri, candele, vernici, gomma e pneumatici, personal care e cosmesi, che attraverso ulteriori lavorazioni specifiche per il settore di destinazione realizzano i prodotti finali destinati al consumatore.
GREEN OLEO | Raffaella Bianchessi | investor.relations@greenoleo.com | T +39 0372 487256
IRTOP Consulting | Maria Antonietta Pireddu | m.pireddu@irtop.com | T +39 02 45473884