Green Oleo – Ecovadis sustainability rating 2024: Platinum Medal
Cremona, 2 December 2024
GREEN OLEO (GRN:IM), benefit company listed on Euronext Growth Milan among the leading European producers of fine oleochemicals from renewable and biodegradable sources, has been awarded the platinum medal in the EcoVadis sustainability ranking for the second consecutive year, with a score that has improved since 2023 placing it among the 1% of the most virtuous companies globally, ranking in the 99th percentile.
EcoVadis is among the most internationally recognized corporate sustainability rating platforms and has so far rated over 100,000 companies. The medal awards companies that have completed the EcoVadis assessment process and demonstrated a strong management system that addresses sustainability criteria, as outlined in the EcoVadis methodology.
The methodology is based on international sustainability standards, including the Global Reporting Initiative, the UN Global Compact and ISO 26000, covering more than 200 ESG areas of interest for about 175 countries. The assessment model, monitored by an international scientific committee, is based on globally recognized standards and consists in measuring the performance of twenty-one indicators, in relation to four macro-environments, the latter evaluated with a final score from 0 to 100: Environment, Labour Practices and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement.
Beatrice Buzzella, President and CEO of GREEN OLEO: “The Platinum rating confirmation by EcoVadis shows that we are committed to transparent sustainability reporting, taking responsibility for our actions and making significant improvements in implementing our ESG strategy. GREEN OLEO is constantly committed to setting ambitious sustainability targets and through internal audits, supply chain, product and process certifications, as well as annual EcoVadis assessments, ensures that its measurements are verified. We will continue to work to be an increasingly representative ESG benchmark for the country in the upcycling oleochemical industry.”