Published On: February 29, 2024

Green Oleo – Consolidated as a company committed to sustainable progress

Pathways for transversal skills and orientation in schools turn into an opportunity for Green Oleo. The Rotary and Rotaract of Cremona, Soresina and the Casalasco area, have collaborated to create a new platform dedicated to the growth of students and the local community, with the aim of increasing the level of knowledge on environmental sustainability (

ERA Project

The ERA project presented a few days ago is aimed at young people and students, but also involves the community at large, as it is the students who are the protagonists of change. It consists of a training period during which young people learn how companies manage sustainability through an interactive platform and direct comparison with them. This program lasts about three months and, in addition, at the end, the students give a questionnaire on environmental issues to their classmates, with the aim of collecting more than 5,000 answers. The answers collected will be useful to the territory and institutions to assess the evolution of environmental knowledge among young people.

Green Oleo’s social commitment

Green Oleo, with its strong ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) imprint, took part in the project, underlining its social commitment and focus on students, sustainability and the Cremona territory. This commitment emphasizes the company’s willingness to support initiatives that promote sustainable growth and the well-being of the community by positively reflecting on its values.