About Alberto

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So far Alberto has created 67 blog entries.

Green Oleo – Alessandro Viano, Commercial Director, interviewed at the microphones of Valore24, a format of ‘IlSole24Ore’.

Alessandro Viano, Commercial Director of Green Oleo was recently [...]

2024-06-05T07:38:09+01:00May 31, 2024|News and Releases|

Green Oleo – Beatrice Buzzella, CEO and President, interviewed at the microphones of Valore24, a format of ‘IlSole24Ore’.

Beatrice Buzzella, CEO and President of GREEN OLEO, a [...]

2024-05-28T11:08:42+01:00May 24, 2024|News and Releases|

Green Oleo – The company’s state-of-the-art facility was the setting for the presentation of the 911 Turbo S

Green Oleo, one of the leading European producers of [...]

2024-02-19T15:40:07+01:00February 19, 2024|News and Releases|
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